
Republican debate november 11 2015
Republican debate november 11 2015

republican debate november 11 2015

Trump, for those not paying attention, has been advancing a campaign message that he’s a traitor to his class. Even though he was answering a question about the minimum wage, his remarks (in both cases) sounded like he was talking broadly about the economy. And he repeated the same keep-wages-low talking point Wednesday morning on Morning Joe, apparently not recognizing the potential backlash he created. Donald Trump, asked whether he’d support a hike in the minimum wage, instead digressed into saying, “Wages too high,” in making the case for corporate competitiveness. 15 in Nevada.One of the most overlooked moments in Tuesday night’s Republican debate came at the very beginning. The Democrats will face off in their next debate Saturday in Des Moines the Republicans will meet again Dec.


Someone is throwing some not-so-subtle shade via the wifi password here at the #GOPDebate /icR5ZZsqSC Though the eight candidates in the main debate didn’t agree on all the issues, they came together on multiple occasions to make a common enemy out of Democratic front-runner and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.įrom a wifi password “StopHillary,” to continued jabs at Clinton’s policy actions, the GOP candidates clearly communicated their feelings toward Clinton.

republican debate november 11 2015

"I thought it was a great evening" – #GOPDebate #spinroom /MATTZwaiVy In the spin room, Trump called the debate “elegant.”


“Thanks to a well-run debate, the country was able to see our diverse field of talented and exceptionally qualified candidates exchange ideas for how to reinvigorate the economy and put Americans back to work.” “Our candidates, not the moderators, were at the center of tonight’s debate, and they were all treated with fairness and respect,” Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said in a statement. Aftermathįor candidates and the GOP, Tuesday’s debate was a high note compared to CNBC’s on Oct. Walker has yet to endorse any of his former competitors. Scott Walker announced Monday he’ll drop his bid for the Read… Scott Walker formally drops out of 2016 presidential race : Following a rapid decline in the polls, Gov. Instead, he watched from the sidelines as the other candidates battled it out in his home state. Many believed Tuesday would have been Walker’s night to shine in his run for the presidential nomination. “We need to build a meritocracy,” she said, like the one Walker is attempting to create in Wisconsin. In her plan for government reform, businesswoman Carly Fiorina made the first and only reference to Gov. Many of the candidates offered similar solutions for creating jobs and stimulating the economy, focusing on cutting taxes and reducing government regulation. This statement has been refuted with data that supports philosophers do actually make more than welders. We need more welders and less philosophers.” “Welders make more money than philosophers. “I don’t know why we have stigmatized vocational education,” he said. Throughout his campaign, Rubio has been critical of traditional higher education, and instead, has emphasized the value of vocational training. "Make higher education faster and easier to access" – #GOPDebate Keeping in line with the theme of economy, Rubio criticized the nation’s “outdated” higher education system, calling it too expensive and too hard to access.

republican debate november 11 2015

“You know what? People need help,” he said. John Kasich, R-Ohio, noted his state has created a moderate minimum wage increase. Many candidates echoed Trump in saying they would not raise the minimum wage, including other front-runners, neurosurgeon Ben Carson and U.S. "I believe that we will win." Fight for 15 supporters rally outside City County Building.

Republican debate november 11 2015